The wind was blowing so hard that the air whistled through every crack in the apartment.
Tall trees were about to bend and crack.
But the windy windy weather didn't stop us from making our monthly trip to the
Landstuhl Thrift Shop
Here is my haul
I'm always on the look out for wreaths. I'm so into them these days.
Inside the wreath are shower curtain hooks.
Here is a closer look
They are little butterflies. So colorful and adorable. Do you agree?
I have always been fond of Anne Geddes. This is an adorable unused wedding album for only $1.00.
It was in excellent condition.
I also found this brilliant candle holder
It reminds me of Capodimonte porcelain and I think it is.
Here is the marking on the bottom
Would anybody know?
I actually love piece.
I also snatched up two rolls of Blue Burlap Ribbons @ only a quarter a piece.
Check out this colorful shower curtain.......curtain.
The checkered ribbons are quite lovely I must say.
My most fabulous find for the day had soft twine tassels
Aluminum Hearts with little brass bells that go
ding ding ding ding ding
A dainty pedestal.
And cotton fabric on its "UM." You know the UM in UMbrella.
Well I look at it as a parasol.
A Parasol Perfect for my
Steiff Bear collection.
I love visiting linky parties. The first one I scope out are Thrift Shop finds. Oh I am so into the stories other bloggers share. It's as if I am right next to them as they are finding their "finds."
How was your thrifting?
Linking up with these wonderful parties.